Thursday, March 12, 2020

March 12 2020 SEKARC Caronavirus Announcement

March 12, 2020

From: Southeast Kansas Amateur Radio Club Officers
Tyler Costantini KBØPQP President
Jeff Chancey KAØEGE Vice President
Matt Laidler KØVLL VE Testing Coordinator

To: Members and Friends of the SEKARC

Re: Coronavirus Precaution Plan

As you probably know on March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus a global pandemic. After consulting with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment the officers of the SEKARC have decided that some immediate steps should be taken. Especially since this virus is especially dangerous to the elderly in our population and a large number of members are in that category. We have decided it would be best to cancel the weekly Coffee QSO until at least until the end of March. We have also cancelled the March 28th SEKARC meeting and VE Session. Another announcement will be made later this month regarding the April activities.
When Matt called the ARRL about cancelling our March testing and updating their website for VE testing, they mentioned that all they have done the last few days was cancel VE sessions so we are not alone in our concern. Hopefully in a couple of weeks the threat decreases enough and we can all resume our regular activities but we will send another update as information and/or decisions should change.

In the meanwhile, we are proposing a new net/roundtable on Wednesday mornings at 9am. Let’s call it the Coffee NET. Informal radio gathering for anyone with a license to talk. We can still carry on MOST of the conversations we have at Harry’s. So everyone be cautious, safe and reach out to those that may need a hello.

Thank you,