Monday, August 12, 2019

Joplin Hamfest - Coming Up Quick

The Joplin Amateur Radio Club Hamfest is just about here! It is Friday August 23rd and Saturday the 24th. We can get in to setup our tables on Thursday between 10am-5pm and Friday at 8am. While we don't have a lot to setup and probably can do it on on Friday morning it might still be fun to get in on Thursday if anyone wants to.

We have 3 tables resereved 2 with the club and one that Cecil NØEHP purchased for shared use and after trading with KA6DOY we will have all 3 tables together. We will all be able to use the space for selling items personally and/or if you would like to you can sell extra, not being used items and the proceeds will be considered a donation to the SEKARC. If you are selling something for yourself then please list the price AND your callsign on the price tag or label. If there is no callsign we will assume it is a club donation.

With the temporary location keep in mind that parking is limited but they are offering a shuttle from a remote parking site setup at the former location the Joplin Convention Center. Even with the smaller site this is still a  GREAT hamfest and the Joplin club does a fantastic job with this event.

New hams and "experienced" hams will have a great time. Let Matt KØVLL or myself Jeff KAØEGE know if you need us to haul anything over there. I will probably be there Thurday, Friday and Saturday so let us know. They are offering some GREAT door prizes like they always do and usually there are more on site that are donated by the vendors. It is always fun and now with the WiresX in operation we know a lot more hams in the region that we will get to eyeball QSO.

CLICK link below for information !!


1 comment:

  1. Nice posting! Now that 2020 has arrived, could you please update your post with the 2020 Hamfest information. One day (7am-2pm), Aug 22nd, outside on the old Hammons Trade Center parking lot. Vendors will be there. See for details.

    Jim WB0IYC


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