Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July Breakfast Meeting

SEKARC will be like old times this month, Our meeting Saturday July 30th will be 9am at Hardee's for breakfast! We will have lot's of radio talk (and some other topics mixed in) so bring something to talk about or your latest purchase or project!

We will also be discussing plans for the upcoming Joplin ARC Hamfest in August and potential plans for the fall. If you have never made it to a meeting but would like to meet the group, learn how to get your license we would love to meet you.

Great breakfast, great coffee and good times with fellow hams and soon to be hams! Too hot for the park, too busy for a formal meeting presentation so come on by and stay for 5 minutes or 2 hours!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


The purpose of the net is practice for CW operators and to make us proficient if we ever have to use net controlled traffic. It is a SLOW SPEED net and is designed for the new CW operator and those of us who need the practice or are just learning.

Please try and keep your speed below 8 wpm.  Our operating frequency will be between 7.057 and 7.058 MHz .  I will try to use 7.057.5 but if it is busy QSY up or down between the above.  Let's have a good time and use the equipment that works for you.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Field Day 2016 Photos

Here are some photos from the 2016 Field Day at Big Brutus... you can click on the first one and start a slide show with larger images!!