Friday, September 25, 2015

September Meeting Sat 9/26

The September SEKARC meeting will be held Saturday September 26th at 9 am. We will meet at the Pittsburg Fire Station #1 at 911 W 4th. There will be breakfast and coffee available so please stop by and say hello! It's been a busy summer so let's review and make some plans for the fall and winter.

There will short videos discussion about talk about one of the hottest new modes, Digital Voice for HF. New software and new mode that is catching on and gaining in popularity so let's all learn together. We will also discuss the latest new with the new Yaesu Fusion repeater installed by the PRO group on the 94 location.

We will also announce the speaker for the October meeting and that will be one meeting that you don't want to miss! Weather permitting we will also go to the park and set up some radios after the meeting so bring your gear!

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