Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Technicians & 10 Meters - Build an Antenna

This is an excellent video, especially for new hams and Technician Class license holders because it shows you how to build and test an HF antenna for 10 meters and particularly the 10m portion where Techs can operate using CW, digital like PSK and phone (voice). The 2nd video shows you how to tune the intenna and a nifty formula for calculating how much to take off of length!

Interesting story, my first HF contact was on 10 meters, voice and I had a QSO with a ham near Chicopee Kansas. WØKEU Keith Retzer so my first HF QSO was about 3 miles in distance!! This is a great video for making and testing various componenets and can be used for other bands just by changing the length of the wire!


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