Thursday, June 11, 2015

New Activity for Amateur Radio - WSPR

The Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network is a group of amateur radio operators using K1JT's MEPT_JT digital mode to probe radio frequency propagation conditions using very low power (QRP/QRPp) transmissions. The software is open source, and the data collected are available to the public through this site.

This looks like a fun new activity for hams. Even non licensed folks can listen? You will need a radio and USB type of soundcard like the Signalink USB. I set mine up with the FT-857 and with this software it has CAT ablility so it's pretty much hands free and let it run! The first day was a Satirday afternoon and I had good results. Several DX stations heard me and I heard them! I attached below a screenshot from day 1. After this screen grab I also reached 2 in Italy.

Next I set it up with my shack Yaesu FT-840 and after synching the clock was able to hear stations in Arizona, Virginia and New York and heard a station in California on 17 meters! No CAT option on the FT-840 but I easily tuned the rig to the frequency listed on the software. Tip - If manually setting freq use the top frequency to set the radio! Give it a try and if you have questions or need help, post them on the group email list!

From Randy's K7AGE YouTube Channel...

Published on Mar 11, 2015
I'll show you how to use WSPR software to check to see if my antenna is working. WSPR sends your call sign, power level and grid square during a nearly two minute transmission. Receiving stations decode your transmission and post the results to an online database. You can use a website to view a map of of the station that you have heard and stations that have heard you.

WSPR is written by Joe Taylor, K1JT

WSPR, software and users manual

WSPR Net, map display

Grid Square Map

Setallar WSPR, receiver kit

Super Antennas, vertical antenna

1 comment:

  1. Neat. Just installed this and transmitted 5W on 15M on my dipole and was heard in IL, Brazil, and Tel-Aviv.


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