Monday, April 20, 2015

Meeting - Sat April 25th

It's that time again! This Saturday the 25th is the April meeting for the Southeast Kansas Amateur Radio Club. We will meet at 9am at the Pittsburg Fire Station #1 on West 4th street in Pittsburg. We will have breakfast and coffee and radio fellowship! We have a special guest, Steve Lester who was here in January with the SATERN team and was part of the presentation given to the SEKARC. He will be giving his presentation that will cover various severe weather topics and some basic first aid for certain symptoms related to severe weather.

Other topics will be Field Day 2015, club activities in the spring and hopefully lots of help available for those either interested in getting their license or help with new operators! Everyone is welcome! Also if you remember, the February meeting presentation from Joe WØMQY offered a challenge for all to build a project in the Altoid tin he provided so bring your project.

This should be an interesting meeting full of new info and lot's of radio talk so come and bring a friend! If you have a friend that might be interested in ham radio then offer to bring them along. Field Day is 2 months away so we are excited to lay some plans down for the big weekend in June! Everyone is welcome to come and stay all weekend or just come out for a visit. Big Brutus is a great site for radio and hopefully we will not have the weather challenges like we had last year.

See you Saturday



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