Tuesday, January 20, 2015

SEKARC CW Night !!

If you missed the first CW Night for SEKARC, then be sure and listen next week. And even better, feel free to jump in! I used Ham Radio Deluxe to decode some of it. Machine decoding of a human generated CW signal is not good at all. I did catch some of it. If you would like to see what I captured go to the YouTube page for the video and check the info section.

The video below is my recorded audio from the event. Recorded using Ham Radio Deluxe. It will give you an idea of the pace and it will give you a chance to decode it with your ears! I did not include the text here so you could give it a shot yourself!

Thanks go out to Jack WDØCFH for running it, and Joe WØMQY for participating! Hopefully anyone that wants can jump in and give it a try! Let us know if you have any questions!

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