Monday, January 26, 2015

CW Practice Night Jan 25 2015

SEKARC on Soundcloud

We had 3 Hams at the RT tonight.  There was some noise on the freq that we were using but we all had a good time with the dots and dashes.  There was Loren KDØRTX,  Joe WØMQY and Jack WDØCFH.  We were on the air for about 45 min exchanging a verity of information.  We invite everyone to our next RT next Sunday and if you just want to listen that's good practice too.
Thanks to those who joined in ..... 73 everyone.

Jack ... WD0CFH

If you are wondering why the KDØRTX signal is so loud it's because the antenna she was sending on is only a few feet from the receiving antenna that I recorded this on! Great job everyone and everyone that wants to is welcome to join!


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