FYI - Excellent video to share with your friends and family about Amateur Radio!
A group for all Amateur Radio operators in the area and for those interested in becoming one!
Monday, October 27, 2014
Radio Operators Save The World
We had a great meeting Saturday. If you were not able to stop in, plan on being there November 29th for our next meeting!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
AM Radio History
Interesting find here... cannot locate the original source to reference but still a neat video!
The technology of amplitude modulation (AM) radio transmission was developed during the two decades from 1900 to 1920. Before this, the first radios transmitted information by wireless telegraphy, in which the radio signal didn't carry audio (sound) but was switched on and off to create pulses that carried text messages in Morse code. This was used for private person-to-person traffic, similar to telegrams.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Maury's Radios On The Air Once More...
A few months ago, I was contacted by the daughter-in-law of this Silent Key Maury Fee WB6RLP who at one time lived in Columbus, KS. His son Jeff was at the home cleaning some things out and they had some of his father's ham radio equipment that they would like to sell and move on. They sent me a list of the main items which included a Yaesu FT-840 and a Swan 500cx transceiver, Ameritron and Heathkit amps and various other accessories.
I passed the information on to the club members and ham radio operators that I knew and we just could not get any interest warmed up. Well as it got closer to the time for Jeff to head back home in California, they contacted me again and made me an offer that I could not refuse. If I would buy the Yaesu FT-840 for a great price, they would donate the rest of the equipment to the club in their families honor. Well I could tell they wanted to gear to be in good hands and I was excited to accept their offer and made an appointment to meet Jeff at the house and gather up the items.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
ARRL Kansas Section News Summary
Our Section Convention was held at Salina and hosted by Central Kansas ARC at Webster Conference Center. Back to Basics theme continued this year with Johnson County RAC providing a program about their club and what they do. Vice President Arron Boots-AA0RN and Section
Technical Coordinator(and club Member) Bill Brinker-WA0CBW did a wonderful job explaining how JOCO RAC is able to consistently attract club members and newer licensees to their meetings and functions each month. A video of their 2014 Field Day was included as part of their