Saturday, July 5, 2014

Field Day Results, Sights and Sounds

Field Day 2014 is in the books and behind us. I think that overall it was a success! Certainly an improvement on last year and our thanks go to the Hams that contributed! If I missed anyone below please let me know and I will get them added to the list!

KAØEGE - Jeff    KDØRTX - Loren    WØMQY - Joe  
WDØCFH - Jack    KBØPQP - Tyler    KCØSHN - Jordan
NØIGZ - Frank    N3LRH - Leon    N2UHC - Tom  
ADØHW - Gailen    KDØCUR - Justin    KDØDET - Mike
KEØAKP - Keith

For our log totals, we had 113 total log entries and of those 49 were CW, 34 were phone and 30 were digital! The weather held us back some as we had one batch of heavy rain and then later a round of heavy lightning but with all of that and battling the big contest stations I think we did ok! We will work to improve on that for next year!

We had the nes media visit and do a little video feature for the news on Fox14 and KOAM TV stations. Stacey Lindsay came and interviewed a few of us, shot some video and put us on the news a few times and here is a link to the web story. I am unable to find a link to the newscast as it was broadcast but my mom saw us! Here is the LINK. Stacey also is interested in visiting us again and doing a more in depth story for the news! We are in the process of setting that up now!

Last year after setting up the night before at Brutus, I made a PSK31 contact in Venezuela. This year I was able to top that with a PSK31 contact with 5Z4EE in Kenya! Big Brutus sure is a great location for radio... when it is not wall to wall pile ups!

How copy OM? BTU 5Z4EE de KAØEGE pse kn
Hi Jeff,
Report : 599 599
Name   : Sig Sig
QTH    : Nairobi -- Nairobi
LOC    : KI88JS [62.8° 13,651.7km] KI88JS
How ­py? BTU Jeff, KAØEGE de 54EE pse kn

Jack contributed 3 videos and Justin for a couple of photos, I had a few photos as well. Check them out and again THANK YOU ALL for your hard work during the 2014 Field Day!

Contributed by KDØCUR

Contributed by KDØCUR

1 comment:

  1. To Jeff and all participants: You did a good job under bad conditions, and the stills and video make it all look like fun, even looking out of the truck at the rain. Thanks.
    -bill WB0LXZ


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