Sunday, March 9, 2014

Slow Speed CW Weekly Net

Here is information regarding a slow speed weekly CW Net held weekly. Just tune into the Kansas Slow Speed Net operated by Mike WD0ESF in Medicine Lodge.

The net meets on 3.547 MHz at 7:32 PM Kansas City time every Monday evening.  The signal is usually S9  or better in Kansas City.

It is easy to get recognized.  Just send your call when the net controller asks for check-ins.  If you are not sure when that is, just wait until you hear others sending their calls.  Then, when you hear the net controller send "pse wait"  acknowledging the previous call, he will ask for new check-ins.  Send your call then.  Even if you screw it up, he will still recognize you.

Don't worry about speed, the net will operate as slow as the slowest operator.  It is a friendly net dedicated to the encouragement of new (and old) CW operators to improve their skills. If you listen or check in to this net, let us know in the comments below!

Thanks to Jaimie Charlton  AD0AB for this information !!


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