Monday, December 16, 2013

SEKARC Digital Net? (updated 12/18/13)

SEKARC Digital Net? A few of us were trying to catch the 80 meter digital net out of the Kansas City area last week and between us we were trying different modes of digital signals. During that, I had a thought... what if we talked about having a local weekly or monthly digital net directed by the Southeast Kansas Amateur Radio Club? In the next few weeks we will be discussing questions like these...

#1 What Day? - Maybe after the first net of the month on Wednesdays?

#2 What Frequency? - Possible on VHF-UHF or should we go HF?

#3 What Mode? - Probably start with PSK-31 but we should try some of the lesser used modes for fun.

There are many ways to expand our activities for those that are interested. Now I understand that not all of us have the desire, the radio or the equipment to participate but there will still be other activities that you will be able to enjoy. The digital net is just one of the items we could start that does not rely on warm weather and is in our plans for the new year 2014.

Please keep your thoughts on Field Day in the back of your mind as we will begin planning that during our first meeting in January. Thoughts or suggestions about the digital new? Please post them in the comments below so we can all discuss and see your ideas!

2014 will be a GREAT year !!
73's to all,


***** 12/13 update - We are going to try 80 meters initially. We think we can get a wider range of stations like in the Joplin and other SEK areas. We will use psk-31 for mow and see how that goes. If you are interested in participating and cannot access 80 meters then let us know and we can try to work something out. We should not need more than 10 watts or so. We will begin on 3.580.0 around the 2000 marker. We can give it a try tonight. Then kick it off for the first weekly net in January 2014. 


  1. A PSK-31 net sounds great to me. I think after the reg 2 meter net on Wed might be a good time to have it while we have everyone at their shack. As far as the frequency it doesn't matter to me but some may not have dig available on their VHF or UHF set ups. May want to stay on HF (May be somewhere on 20 meters?


Please post your comments and/or suggestions here !