Saturday, November 16, 2013

Emporia State University Presentation and Kit Building Session

Group Build at Emporia State University Radio Club
By Joe Porter, W0MQY

At the invitation of Max McCoy, KC0MAX, I gave a presentation to the Emporia State University Amateur Radio Club. Items covered were selected for first time or relatively new hams embarking on their first kit building project.  The topic was "Kit Building Tips and Techniques" and was directed toward first time kit builders.

The one hour presentaton was followed by a "hands on" kit build of the AA0ZZ EZkeyer produced by the Four State QRP Group.  

This kit provided a nice range of first time skills to be learned.  The photo shows five of the nine participants hard at work assembling the EZkeyer kit.

My EZKeyer was used for show and tell.  It helps first time builders to be able to see the finished project and use it a a guide.

My version of the EZKeyer

That's Max, KC0MAX, moving too fast for the camera.
Providing assistance to a participant is Johnny Matlock
who made a special trip down to Emporia to deliver the
kits and sit in on my presentation.
Johnny is one of the many 4sqrp kitters and was
on hand for the kitting session for these first time

The photos below are depicting various stages of the build with different participants.  As you can see the concentration and interest in this project was pretty intense.

Many smiles appeared across the room as each keyer came to life and spoke its first words.  There is nothing like the feelings of euphoria when that first project springs to life.  It is even sweeter when you know you built it with your own two hands.

As can be seen in the above photo, they were busy little bees.  There is nothing like the learning experience that takes place with that "hands on" building session.  The session was two and one half hours long and most all of the participants finished the keyer and had it operating.  Altoid tins were furnished along with pill bottles to store those tiny parts.  It was a highly successful evening thanks to Max's leadership and coordination.

Johnny brought along the latest and greatest version of the EZKeyer.  It is housed in a very nice enclosure included with the kit and has several improved features.  It was a great evening and I want to thank the ESU faculty, students, Max, and Johnny for their support in this project.  Max deemed the evening a success and was evident by listening to all the beeping keyers around the room.  I had a great time, met a lot of nice people, and would like to say "thank you" for inviting me.  

72 es see ya all in April


  1. What a great presentation and session! We really appreciate Joe WØMQY making the long drive to Emporia and giving such a fine job, and Johnny ACØBQ's support in kitting the project up and being on hand for the build. All of this takes time, and our group was fortunate to have these give so generously of their time and knowledge. Of the kits completed at the build session, every one of them fired up and worked right (some needed a bit of troubleshooting, but the novice builders stepped up to the plate and figured it out themselves--a very good sign). On behalf of the ESU Amateur Radio Club... TNX, 72 Max KCØMAX

  2. As an '85 graduate of ESU, I wish there had been a club there in those days. I've really been enjoying your QST articles Max!

    Mike, KC0KBC


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