Friday, July 26, 2013

July Meeting Saturday 7/26/13

Everyone is welcome to attend our meeting tomorrow (Sat) at 9am - Hardee's !!
We also plan on going to the park after the meeting for some field work. Please bring your gear if you would like, or just stop by for a visit.
We have several antennas that we will be trying out !!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tonight's Net Cancelled - July 17

Due to prior family obligations, the SEKARC net scheduled for this evening has been cancelled. We will resume next Wednesday 7/24 at 8 pm.

Thanks and see you next week !!

Net Control - KDØSEG - Jeff

Monday, July 15, 2013

Club Update and Information

Club Update !

Hello everyone, as we discussed at the June meeting I am thinking of working towards getting the club to official affiliated club status with the ARRL. With that and other steps we can obtain a club call sign for use on Field Day and Special Events ( like Little Balkins Days perhaps ). One of the requirements is to submit a club roster. I do not want to assume everyone wants to be included on that list so if you WOULD like to be counted as an official member please email your answers to to the questions below..

Q#1 - Would you like your call and name to included on a roster for SEKARC

Q#2 - Would you be ok with your call sign listed on the website under a "Roster" tab ?

As before, none of this requires any monetary input or expense. We are keeping it simple, but with some appearance of organization! With the ARRL affiliation there are a few more requirements like officers and a "charter" but we can talk about this and more at the next meeting on July 27, 9am at Hardee's.

I look forward to your responses and only if you reply with a YES to question #1 will you be on the list. I will not add anyone just by default.. it is an "Opt In" process !

73's everyone !

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


This is a great Special Event to participate in for Independence Day !! I am 2 colonies in, 11 to go plus the bonus station from Independence Hall in Philly !! Check it out !!


13 Colonies Special Event
JULY 1-6, 2013


The 2013, 13 Colonies stations will operate from 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Savings Time (1300Z),on July 1st, to 12:00 PM (midnight) Eastern Daylight Savings Time, July 6 (0400Z, July 7) .

There will be at least two S.E. stations per colony state. Also included will be Super contest stations, multi-operator Club stations and OM & XYL teams.

The total QSO count for 2012 was 62,079 - expect MORE in 2013!