Thursday, March 28, 2013

Net Update 3/27/2013

Another good net was held last night on 146.94. We lost a couple of check ins due to holiday travel but we had a nice meeting. Joe WØMQY talked about the OzarkCon event coming up and told us to stay away because he is one of the guest speakers at the event. Ok, he was joking and actually encouraged all to attend! Frank NØIGZ mentioned that he was glad to be able to get out and up and begin some work and planning on his antenna tower work he has on tap!

The first club meeting was discussed as well, as this Saturday March 30th at 9 am. Hopefully all on the net will be able to attend so we can put a face to the radio voice. Be sure and mark your calendar for the weekly net and other events like OzarkCon! Click on the image to the right to go to the OzarkCon web page!

Great turnout again tonight !

KDØSEG - Jeff ( net control )
WBØLXZ - Bill - Pittsburg, KS
WØMQY - Joe - Pittsburg, KS
NØIGZ - Frank - Columbus, KS
N2UHC - Tom - St. Paul, KS
KIØPP - David - Joplin, MO

 73's and BTU, this is Kilo Delta Zero Sierra Echo Golf.

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