Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Net Notes 3/13/2013

Tonight's Net was a good one. Net control announced the forming of this club and it's website followed by the update on the first meeting. The first meeting of this club will be on March 30th, 9a.m. at Hardee's in Pittsburg.

Frank, NØIGZ was the first to check in after being the last one last week, good to have you Frank! Leon KDØSSD was next and he mentioned he was working on installing a 160 meter loop antenna and making plans on how to arrange it on his property. Next up was WØMQY, Joe gave some information about the "Builders Group" he was involved in and invited everyone to join in the fun of smelling solder smoke and burning your fingers! I think once we all learn a little more, we should have a Builders Group tab on this web page and maybe have one of their long time members do some posting on small projects!

Next to check in was my wife Loren, KDØRTX thanked Joe for his help with her CW key wiring and thanked him for inviting us. We both had a great time and it was nice to get to meet Bill and Tom in that group as well. The last check in was Steve, WDØDTS and he had some signal issues and we could not make out part of his check in but his friend Leon said they were hoping to work on some external antenna improvements at Steve's QTH as the HT was not quite hitting the repeater.

While the turnout was smaller, I feel a nice group is beginning to develop and I look forward to that development over the next several years. I might also mention that Frank also provided some info on a local QSO party of sorts on SSB mostly, on 432.10 MHz also at this time. And it was obvious to this new ham that many of us could learn a lot about VHF/UHF SSB and the horizontally polarized antennas! Hopefully on the 30th we discuss just that very thing.

Thanks to everyone that participated and please pass the word about the Net and about the new Southeast Kansas Amateur Radio Club!

73's and BTU.... this is Kilo Delta Zero Sierra Echo Golf.

N0IGZ Frank Columbus KS
KD0SSD Leon Pittsburg KS
W0MQY Joe Pittsburg KS
KD0RTX Loren Pittsburg KS
KD0SEG Jeff Pittsburg KS
WD0DTS Steve Pittsburg KS

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